Indio Catholic Charities
(951) 784-5020
Financial Help Provided: Rental Assistance, Utility Assistance
Full Description:
Catholic Charities provides a range of services that increase the stability, health, well-being, and safety of families. Our services are often in response to a family crisis that has already occurred and intervene to prevent the crisis from worsening. Our services also aim to prevent a crisis from re-occurring and help to prevent a crisis before it occurs.
Casework & Advocacy Services
Rental Assistance/Eviction Prevention
Utility Assistance
Food Pantries and Food Vouchers
Senior Outreach Services
Transportation Assistance
Prescription Assistance
Summer Lunch Program
Family Evening Meal Program
Family Burial Assistance
Temporary Shelter
Disaster Relief & Recovery Services
Holiday Meals
Toy Distribution Programs
Family Life Skills & Resources Programs
Eastern Coachella Valley Grocery Distribution
Food Stamp Outreach Program
Youth Gang Prevention Programs
In Home Visitation Services
Document Assistance
Medical Insurance Enrollment, Utilization, & Retention
Information & Referral
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