Chenango County DSS - Department of Social Services
Financial Help Provided: Food Stamps, Temporary Cash Assistance, HEAP, Medicaid
Full Description:
Income and Financial Assistance Programs
Employment Services
Provides services to assist individuals in transitioning from dependence on Temporary Assistance to financial self-sufficiency through full time employment.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
HEAP is a federally funded program for income-eligible households. HEAP provides financial assistance for heating costs and heating equipment repair or replacement. The local Department of Social Services has primary responsibility for administration over the HEAP program each year.
Investigations Unit
Responsible for investigating reports of fraud activity. Referrals are received from DSS Staff, law enforcement agencies and concerned citizens. Fraud activity is also identified utilizing State computer matches conducted in cooperation with federal, state or local agencies such as, Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service, financial institutions, Department of Correctional Services, Motor Vehicles, NYS Taxation and Finance, etc. Contact the NYS Medicaid Fraud Hotline (1.877.87.FRAUD) or visit NYS Welfare Fraud Reporting site to report fraud.
Health Insurance program that helps many people who can't afford medical care pay for some or all of their medical bills. Medicaid is funded by Federal, State and Local dollars and is administered on the state level by the NYS Department of Health.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
applesSNAP (a/k/a: Food Stamps) is a federal nutrition assistance program designed to supplement a household's food budget. The amount of SNAP benefits received is based upon factors such as household size, income, assets, shelter costs, etc. Eligible households access benefits through an electronic benefit transfer system (EBT) by using a benefit card and PIN at participating food retailers.
Temporary Assistance
Provides temporary financial assistance to eligible families and individuals. Administered on the state level by the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance.
Hours: 8:30AM - 5:00PM Monday - Friday.

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