Catholic Charities Jacksonville
Financial Help Provided: Emergency Financial Assistance
Full Description:
Catholic Charities provides the basic needs to help prevent homelessness through the Emergency Assistance department. Our goal is to prevent homelessness by helping families facing eviction or loss of utilities to remain safe and secure in their homes. Many families live from paycheck-to-paycheck and are threatened when an unexpected illness, loss of employment or other family crisis impacts their financial well-being. Emergency Assistance helps by making payments for rent, mortgage or utilities and providing food.
The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program also provides emergency financial assistance to eligible clients in the form of rent and utility payments as well as food.
Under the Emergency Assistance department, the Agency administers the JEA Neighbor to Neighbor Program which provides limited financial assistance for the elderly, disabled and poor residents in the JEA service area who are at risk of having their utilities shut off. The Agency also administers the Donna Foundation fund, which provides emergency financial assistance to individuals on the First Coast who are living with breast cancer.
Basic eligibility requirements for emergency financial assistance include:
Experienced a financial setback within the past three months that resulted in an inability to pay basic housing needs.
In addition, one or more of the following criteria listed below must have occurred:
One or more months behind in rent/mortgage or utility payments, OR
Received a three-day or eviction notice, OR
Received a utilities cutoff notice, OR
Had utilities cut off.
Emergency financial assistance is limited to residents of Duval, Clay, Baker and Nassau Counties. Other restrictions may apply.
For information about emergency financial assistance, please call United Way by dialing 2-1-1 or (904)632-0600.
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