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Anderson Interfaith Ministries Financial Assistance

Website: http://www.aimcharity.org

Anderson, SC - 29624

Financial Help Provided: Rent Assistance, Food Stamps, Utility Assistance, Food Assistance

Full Description:

Anderson Interfaith Ministries is a non-profit organization that assist residents of the Anderson county area.

The Emergency Assistance Program is designed to give financial assistance and counseling to the needy. It is our desire to help clients identify their core problem (depression, alcoholism, lack of budgeting skills, lack of education / training) so that we are able to address that rather than simply treating the client's problems (utilities, food, rent, etc..).

This is done through interviewing the client and making appropriate referrals to other agencies and professionals in the community. This program is a "hand up" not a "hand out". Along with our financial assistance comes responsibility. The client must show a desire to change their present situation of dependency to one of independence. If a client does not follow through with the agreed upon plan, they will not be assisted in the future. This program is not for the client who receives all the government subsidies and is not trying to change, it is for the person who is falling through the cracks of our system (The working poor person with catastrophic illnesses or someone in a temporary crisis).

Our process:

If you are seeking assistance, you will need to come in to our office for an interview. Interviews are normally on Monday-Thursday. We take appointments via telephone on Friday mornings at 8am.  The appointments are made for the following week on a first call first served basis.  The lines can get busy and appointments can fill up quickly so we advise clients to start calling at 8am until they get through to someone who can make an appointment.  We are limited on the number of clients we can see everyday. If for some reason our office is closed for interviews, a sign will be posted on the door in advance, unless in case of emergencies.

For an appointment call our direct line on Friday morning:


SNAP - Food Stamps:

AIM promotes the SNAP or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, (formerly called the food stamp program) within the community by conducting informational presentations and displays within the community and by assisting eligible clients through determining eligibility and applying for benefits.

Contact FinancialHelpResources.com

Do you have more to add or need listing updated? Let us know.

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Tips For Prompt And Professional Assistance
1. Make an appointment - Always attempt to make an appointment. Oftentimes this will save you hours waiting in lines. When on the phone make sure you ask for the documentation needed in order to receive assistance.

2. Do not be late for your appointment - This tip should speak for itself.

3. Dress appropriately - If you want to be treated with respect, dress as appropriately as possible. We are not saying wear a suit. Just make sure you and your clothes are clean and non offensive. We have found that clients who dress in this manner have a better chance of receiving aid.

4. Bring all pre determined documentation - Bring all of the documents you were advised to bring from your appointment phone call. Without them, you will not receive aid.

Mission Statement
To help the needy find financial aid and assistance. This nation is going through tough times and providing a helping hand can help make the world a better place.